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New Feature   |   SUStainability

Digital Carbon Footprint

Adding a feature to Google Drive

This project was inspired by Gerry Mcgovern’s book ‘World Wide Waste’. Reading this was the first time I really considered the ‘weight’ of digital and its very physical impact on the environment.

I was surprised to learn that the emissions from data centres make up the same percentage as the emissions from the entire aviation industry (2%).

When purchasing a flight ticket I am given the option to offset my carbon; yet I wasn't even aware of having a digital carbon footprint.

The notion of storing items ‘in the cloud’ evokes a sense of lightness and infinite space and I had never before considered the need to review or delete old files.  I decided this would be an interesting area to explore further.

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Brief created for Designlab UXA Capstone 2: Add a feature to an existing product


Two Weeks


March 2021


End to end UI/ UX Designer


Figma, Google Forms, Otter, Whimsical, Zoom

Explore :


Cloud storage is cheap and invisible; the perfect combination to foster lazy storage habits

Most users won't readily make the connection between cloud storage & the power required to run the service

‘Digital carbon footprint’ is a relatively new concept; understanding around this term will be limited

Validate :

Questionnaire Insights

Blue mobile phone icon

The storage provider used is often not a conscious choice; just what comes connected to your device

Blue question mark in a circle

There is a lot of confusion around file storage & many have no idea what they have saved

Blue lock icon

Cloud storage feels more secure than storing files locally or on external hard drive

Blue uploaded to cloud icon

83% of respondents have files saved across more than one cloud storage service

Blue credit card icon

Having to organise and delete files is a hassle - many just opt to pay for more storage

Blue uploaded to Google Drive icon

The most commonly used cloud storage service was Google Drive at 88%

Validate :

Secondary Research

The Brief

Explore ways to raise awareness around the physical carbon footprint of cloud storage; showcasing the sustainability initiative Google are working on, and encouraging new thinking around the way we use and organise digital storage. The desired outcome should improve the overall experience for users whilst reducing their carbon footprint.

The Brief

As part of their current sustainability mission Google are exploring ways to raise awareness around the physical carbon footprint coming from digital storage; showcasing the initiative they are working on, and encouraging new thinking around the way we use and organise digital storage. The desired outcome of which should improve the overall experience for users whilst also reducing their carbon footprint.

‘Offer 1 billion people new ways to take actions to reduce their environmental footprint by 2022’


Research :



Research trends and identify ways in which other organisations are encouraging digital sustainability.


Analyse competitors to understand their strengths, weaknesses & identify opportunities.


Identify Google’s brand values and research their sustainability mission to ensure proposition is in alignment.


Determine how, why & when Google Drive users currently utilise the service.


Define and understand the key factors that encourage new thinking and motivate behavior change.


Research trends within the industry and identify ways in which other companies / organisations are encouraging digital sustainability.

Research :


I quickly came across digital agencies specialising in building eco friendly websites and a carbon calculator which measures the digital ‘weight’ of sites.

It was harder to find products aimed at the general public but I discovered two interesting Chrome extensions.

‘OVO Carbon Capper’ was created by OVO Energy as part of their ‘Think Before You Thank’ campaign.

This extension reminds you not to send unnecessary, un-actionable emails. Once installed, if you try to send an email through Gmail that is under four words it triggers a pop-up that reminds you that all emails create carbon.

Image of Ovo Energy Campaign message 'Think Before You Thank: If every Brit sent one less email a day, we would save the same as 81,000 flights to Madrid'
‘Carbonalyser’ is an extension that allows you to run analysis on your internet usage.

Your usage is compared to how many phone charges or kilometres you could travel in an electric car from the same amount of electricity. This makes it relatable and easy to understand.

Research :

Field Interviews

I conducted remote interviews with five participants between the ages of 25-32.

These interviews opened my eyes to the wide variety of ways in which participants used Drive and their differing attitudes to organisation and storage.

There was a lot of brand loyalty to Google yet none of the participants thought of them as being environmentally sustainable.

“With my computer I try to clear it every so often because visually it just makes me feel better when it's not cluttered but also so my computer will hopefully run faster”

“I need to figure out how to clean it in a way that's not so, cognitive overload”

“I know the environment is totally screwed & I do have an overwhelming sense of helplessness surrounding that”

“The concept of your digital footprint is a lot harder to comprehend versus your physical footprint”
“Actually I kind of don't always know how to find things”

Research :



  • We’re creating more content than ever before and cloud storage is seen as a secure solution to ensure all our documents and files are safely backed up.
  • Moving files into the cloud offers a way to free up space on our devices and keep them running smoothly.
  • Remote working has meant collaborative tools and shared resources have become our new workstations


  • Quick access to files through easy search & filtering
  • Better organisation of files as they are created / imported
  • Support to foster better ‘digital hygiene’ habits
  • Make digital sustainability tangible & easy to comprehend
  • Simple, actionable ways to improve your digital carbon footprint


  • Convenience - easy integration with existing devices, tools & apps
  • Free storage and free cloud native apps
  • Reliability and trust - knowing that your files are safe. Autosave was one of the most loved features.
  • Ease of use
  • Collaborative features and shared family accounts


  • Documents and images are often saved across various cloud storage services and many don’t know what they have stored
  • There was confusion around how loose files are organised and displayed within Drive and a feeling that files occasionally ‘disappear’
  • ‘Shared with me’ automatically saves email attachments / downloaded files that users often aren’t aware of and don’t need
  • Relying on ‘Autosave’ encourages messiness as you don’t actively choose where new files are saved. When you upload files you aren’t prompted to organise them
  • Many felt having just six files available in ‘Quick Access’ isn't enough
  • Having to delete / organise files once your storage is nearly full is time consuming and can be overwhelming

three key drive usage cases were identified:

Used in the workplace as a resource & collaborative tool
Used by students for free storage & cloud native apps
Used to store personal documents & plan projects

Define :

Project Scope

Reflecting on my research I had a bit of doubt regarding the validity of my project in regards to the complexity of the problem and the conflict in adding a feature and therefore ‘weight’ to a product.

limitations & aims of this PROJECT:

This feature is designed to be a first step in building awareness around the direct environmental impact of our digital habits.

Taking ownership of this issue enables Google to further highlight their sustainability focus as a competitive advantage.

It should initiate discussion around accountability for the full lifecycle of the  content we create.

It should also highlight how individual, small changes can make a difference when done by many.

Define :


Hannah uses Drive at work & for her part-time studies


  • Free storage to keep all her files safe & save space on her devices
  • Quick & accurate search to find files
  • Easy collaboration with colleagues
  • To feel like she’s doing her part by supporting more ethical, sustainable companies


  • As the company she works for has grown the shared Drive has become messy and chaotic to navigate
  • The time consuming, painful process of having to sort and cull files when reaching capacity on her storage

Julia uses Drive for community projects & personal storage


  • To keep all her photos & recipes stored safely and in one place that her whole family can access
  • To feel connected to her local community through the collaborative work she does with her church group
  • To ensure she makes conscious choices about how she lives and the brands she supports


  • Poor organisation and inefficiencies
  • Companies that lack transparency around their practices and supply chain

Define :

Empathy Map



  • Deadlines, so many deadlines
  • Old photos from college coming up on my feed
  • Other students projects
  • Constant Slack notifications
  • Time blocking in my calendar - it’s the only way to get things done


  • Who’s up for a group study session?
  • Would you like to grab a virtual coffee?
  • Let’s schedule some time to go over that project
  • Have you tried this new app?


  • Working & collaborating remotely with colleagues
  • Studying in the evenings & at the weekend
  • Posting on social media & networking
  • Video calling friends
  • Woking out
  • Streaming Netflix
  • Helping out with chores around the house


  • Pretty burnt out between work & studying
  • I should clear up my desktop - it’s starting to look cluttered
  • I wish they’d file documents properly!
  • I must try to get out for a run - it always makes me feel better
  • Are they really sustainable or is it just a marketing ploy?
  • If only I had more time to better organise my files


  • The messiness of the work Drive is ridiculous
  • Too many emails to sort & I’ve given up on my photos!
  • Files that seem to disappear & then turn up in an unexpected Folder
  • Not being able to see friends & colleagues in person at the moment


  • 15GB Free Storage
  • Being able to work collaboratively with colleagues
  • Shortcuts that save time & make life easier
  • The integration within the Google ecosystem
  • The usability of all Google products

Define :

Core Project Goal

Increased trust and transparency and a shared responsibility to make digital more sustainable

Define :

Feature Map & Flows

I kept my Feature Map pretty simple as I was essentially looking to design a ‘dashboard’ page that provided an overview of use, introduced the concept of a digital carbon footprint and offered straightforward, actionable tasks to help reduce it. I also saw this feature as an opportunity for Google to showcase their sustainability mission.

Creating a Task Flow presented the opportunity to think about how the dashboard feature could become part of the routine of opening Drive, especially at the start of new week. I explored how users might scan over elements of their dashboard and action a few ‘digital hygiene’ tasks before opening a recent file to start working on it.

I created three User Flows based on my main persona Hannah. These flows focused on the concepts of quick ‘Daily Digital Hygiene’, the more through ‘Spring Clean’ and the feel good nature of being told you are doing your bit to help the environment. Creating these flows also gave me the idea to include a prompt for users to name and file new documents, before closing, in order to encourage better habits.

At the start of the week Hannah opens up Drive in order to create a presentation

The Control Panel gives her an overview of last week & suggests a few quick ways she can better optimise her Drive.

She decides to action these; a new folder is created to group some of last weeks files & a duplicate file is deleted.

Out of habit, Hannah goes to close her presentation without naming or filing it. When she clicks close, a pop up gives her the option to do this.

Google Drive Control Panel
Scans suggestions & actions
Google Drive Control Panel
Is prompted
to name & file Slide
Closes Drive

Design :


Ensure the new feature blends seamlessly into the Drive product and fits the Google Brand

Balance the personal benefits of better organisation with the environmental benefits

Easy, actionable ways the user can make improvements

Design :

High Fidelity UI

control panel for Google drive

Name & File Prompt feature

Test :



Test the initial response and feeling about the new Control Panel homepage.


Test understanding of the information provided on the Control Panel and get feedback on the actions available.


Test the response to being prompted to name a new document and file it before closing it.

Test :


User testing was successfully carried out with four test participants; all of whom who were Google Drive users and had no prior knowledge of my project.

Participants seemed less comfortable being asked to explore a screen and give a running commentary than they might have been if given a more action based task.

The pre-planned prompt questions were definitely necessary in helping to encourage participants to verbalise all their thoughts & test their understanding of the information presented.

Test :

Positive Feedback

Participants were interested to learn more about their digital carbon footprint

The 'neat' and 'clear layout' aligns well with the Google brand

Enthusiasm for the organisational aspect that encourages ‘Good Housekeeping’

Participants felt motivated by the simple step by step actions that require little thought

Key Issues & Iterations

Tested :
Mission Card
Second Iteration :
Mission Card
Tested :
Notification Toggle Component
Second Iteration :
Notification Toggle Component
Tested :
Recent Activity Card
Second Iteration :
Recent Activity Card

Test :

Key Iterations

Tested : Mission Card

Iterated : Mission Card

Tested : Notification Toggle

Iterated : Notification Toggle

Tested : Activity Card

Iterated : Activity Card

Tested : Activity Card

Iterated : Activity Card

0.24g carbon
0.24g C02

The use of ‘Carbon’ was highlighted by one participant who felt the acronym ‘C02’ was more widely recognisable in terms of having a negative impact on the environment.

This was an interesting point and I decided to make the change after seeing the two options side by side.

A larger scale test of user understanding of carbon versus C02 would be necessary in order to determine whether this was the right decision.

“This is a Google problem, not a me problem”

One participant initially took issue with what he saw as being told to reduce his carbon footprint by a big corporation that he thinks should be dealing with it themselves.

He saw the benefit of the organisational aspect of this feature as well as what he perceived as added transparency into what Google are doing to improve things. This issue would need further investigation as it wasn’t something I was able to address in the second iteration.

A possible solution would be to personalise the control panel experience to start from a purely organisational perspective and add the sustainability information as users interact with it more.

One participant initially took issue with what he saw as being told to reduce his carbon footprint by a big corporation that he thinks should be dealing with it themselves.

“This is a Google problem, not a me problem”

He saw the benefit of the organisational aspect of this feature as well as what he perceived as added transparency into what Google are doing to improve things. This issue would need further investigation as it wasn’t something I was able to address in the second iteration.

A possible solution would be to personalise the control panel experience to start from a purely organisational perspective and add the sustainability information as users interact with it more.

Test :


The usability testing raised a number of points that provided inspiration for the opportunity to further improve the design. Two of these were explored further in the final iteration.

Providing a Walk-Through

The idea of providing a simple, unobtrusive walk-through the first time users interact with the new homepage seemed an appropriate way to introduce the concept and sell in the key benefits to the user. This walk-through would need to be tested to ensure it’s not off putting.

Notifications Through Google Ecosystem

One test participant asked if the Control Panel could set specific reminders to notify her within Google Calendar. This was interesting as I had explored the idea of creating a Chrome extension; this in theory could help pull notifications into the users current environment. It would also offer a way of enabling a reminder to name and organise new documents when the user goes to close the file before naming it.

Iterated control Panel

Control panel page on Google Drive App

Conclusion :


This project offered a unique challenge in trying to create a new feature that balanced the need to offer existing Drive users tangible benefits whilst trying to raise awareness of the environmental impact of digital.

Whilst the direct environmental impact of a feature like the one explored in this case study would be small, it could offer benefits to both Google and its users through increased transparency and by starting new dialogues about the challenges we face in reducing the negative impact of digital.

This case study focuses on Google Drive, however with slight adaptation this feature could work equally well for a number of other cloud storage systems and cloud based applications.

Conclusion :

Next Steps

  • Undertake user testing on the second prototype to see how the changes completed affect users' understanding and response to the new feature.
  • Further investigate the balance between presenting the organisational benefits to the user and highlighting the environmental aspect. It would be useful to trial different versions and compare how these are received.

Copyright © 2021 Katie Richmond